GmPatos on
20-07-2024 11:59:16
Dear KO4FUN Players,
You can find official resellers of ESN Codes only here. Please pay attention to the following information about KO4FUN ESN Codes:
Please note that ESN Codes sold on any site other than the sites listed below are invalid and
GmAfro on
26-09-2023 20:45:25
Hello Dear KO4FUN Players
Auto Loot - Automatic Box Collecting
First of all, you need to have Oreads or Automatic Pet Looting item for automatic box collection.
It is the item that will allow you to automatically coll
GmPiaf on
22-02-2024 12:53:40
Hello Dear Ko4fun Players
How to Produce UTC Weapons?
The items required for UTC weapons and how to obtain them are stated below. You can obtain a UTC weapon with a rate of 30% by combining the relevant items with Shozin NPC . UTC with 60% rate