70-80 Quest item Guide

Home / 70-80 Quest item Guide
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Hello KO4FUN players,


70 Quest items are completed on the eslant map.

80 Quest items missions are completed on the ronarkland map.  




70 Level Quest Item Mission


[Ascetic] From Farewell NPC

We click on the Danger from monsters tab




The photo below shows item selection after completing the task.




To complete the quest Danger from monsters

The mission is completed when you defeat the Quest Uruk hai, Quest Stone golem, Quest Troll berserker and Quest Apostles bosses.

The Quest tips screen will open in the upper right corner. All you have to do is hit the bosses with a party or without a party.



The animated image below shows the locations of the Quest mission bosses on the Eslant map. 









80 Level Quest Item Mission


From [Outpost Captain] Elrod NPC

We click on the Danger from monsters II tab.


The NPC and quest tab are shown in the photo below.






To complete the mission Danger from monsters II

The mission is completed when you defeat the Hellfire, Havoc, Enigma and Cruel bosses.

The Quest tips screen will open in the upper right corner. All you have to do is hit the bosses with a party or without a party.


The animated image below shows the locations of the Quest quest bosses on the Ronarkland map. You can find quest bosses on the right and left islands.



