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?Information about the 200.000 TL Prize Tournament?

8vs8 Party Tournament Prizes


? 1st Place Award Melee, Mage and Archer 40.000 TL?

? 2nd Place Award Melee, Mage ve Archer 20.000 TL?

? 3rd Place Award Melee, Mage ve Archer 6.000 TL?


Cash Money GIF


?There will be a total of 200,000 TL prize distribution.?

?A participation prize of 200 TL will be given to all players who participate in the tournament and play in the match.?

NOTE: 200 TL KO4FUN Balance participation reward will be given to the players in the last 8 of the match who participated in the tournament and were eliminated.


Warning GIF


Participation rewards are given after the match you lost.

When you lose a match, don't quit without receiving your reward.




?Dear KO4FUN Family,


KO4FUN Management team presents a special PARTY TOURNAMENT event for Immortal server;





?Tournament Details

  • There will be a maximum of 16 teams and a minimum of 8 teams per class to participate in the tournament.
  • Teams participating in the tournament include of 8 players and 2 substitutes.
  •  It is divided into 3 types of tournaments: Mele party tournament, Mage party tournament and Archer party tournament.(At least 8 teams must participate. If there is archer party tournament participation under 8 teams, archer party participation will be included in the melee tournament!!!
  •  Tournament participations You can get a maximum of 1 tournament reward and 1 participation reward from 1 IP. (Players who participate with 2 characters from 1 IP will receive 1 participation reward. !! Will be checked!! )
  • If the archer party tournament is canceled, the existing prize will be shared among the other 2 class tournament prizes.
  • In tournament matches, each team plays one match and the winning team advances to the next round.
  • The matches last 15 minutes.
  • Party Tournament takes place in the VS arena. (Border defense war map)
  • Tournament days and time intervals will be announced after the application process.
  • The final match is played over 3 matches. The party that wins 2 matches wins the tournament.





? Melee Party? 


Tournament Participation Details; 


 106.pngWarrior Mele Party 

  • There is no skill limitation in Mele Parties. (they can play berserker or hellblade)
  • Mele Parties can have a maximum of 2 112.png Priests.
  • Mele Parties can have a maximum of 1 108.png Rogue.
  • Mele Parties can have a maximum of 1 110.png Mage.
  • Mele Parties can have a maximum of 1 115.png Kurian.

108.png Rogue Mele Party

  • Rogue Mele Parties have no skill limitations. (they can play archer or asas)
  • Rogue Mele Partyler can have a maximum of 2 112.png Priests.
  • Rogue Mele Partyler can have a maximum of 1 106.png Warrior.
  • Rogue Mele Partyler can have a maximum of 1 110.png Mage.
  • Rogue Mele Partyler can have a maximum of 1 115.png Kurian.




?Melee Party Tournament Award?

Mr Beast Winner GIF by YouTube


?The Party that comes 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the tournament will win the following prizes:

  • 1st Melee Party > 40.000 TL
  • 2nd Melee Party > 20.000 TL
  • 3rd Melee Party > 6.000 TL

200 TL Ko4fun Balance will be given to all party players who participate in the tournament and play in the match.


Note: Half of the winning party prizes are delivered to the Klasgame account and half as Ko4fun Balance. If you are eliminated from the tournament, do not leave without receiving your reward.






?Mage Party? 


Tournament Participation Details;

110.png Mage Party

  • Mage parties can have a maximum of 2 112.png Priests.
  • Apart from this, they cannot have any job (rogue, warrior, kurian).



?Mage Party Tournament Award?

Mr Beast Winner GIF by YouTube


?The Party that comes 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the tournament will win the following prizes:

  • 1st Mage Party > 40.000 TL
  • 2nd Mage Party > 20.000 TL
  • 3rd Mage Party > 6.000 TL

200 TL Ko4fun Balance will be given to all party players who participate in the tournament and play in the match.


Note: Half of the winning party prizes are delivered to the Klasgame account and half as Ko4fun Balance. If you are eliminated from the tournament, do not leave without receiving your reward.






? Archer Party? 


Tournament Participation Details; 


? NOTE: If there is archer party tournament participation under 8 teams, archer party participations will be included in the melee tournament!!!



108.png Archer Party

  • Archer parties can have a maximum of 2 112.png Priests.
  • Apart from this, they cannot have any job (rogue, warrior, kurian).



?Archer Party Tournament Award?

Mr Beast Winner GIF by YouTube


?The Party that comes 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the tournament will win the following prizes:

  • 1st Archer Party > 40.000 TL
  • 2nd Archer Party > 20.000 TL
  • 3rd Archer Party > 6.000 TL

200 TL Ko4fun Balance will be given to all party players who participate in the tournament and play in the match.


Note: Half of the winning party prizes are delivered to the Klasgame account and half as Ko4fun Balance. If you are eliminated from the tournament, do not leave without receiving your reward.






? Tournament Registration Deadline: Monday, December 11, 23:59?

  • Tournament draw: The tournament draw will take place on Tuesday, December 12th on Live Broadcast  https://trovo.live/KO4FUN_OFFICIAL
  • Start Date of Tournament Matches: 13.12.2023 - (December 13th, Wednesday )
  • Qualifying matches will be played between 21:00 and 23:59 on weekdays and weekends.
  • Players participating in the tournament must be in the game between 21:00 and 23:59 every day, starting from Wednesday, December 13th.
  • Matches are played on the BDW map.
  • bdwevent.jpg





?Match Rules and Penalties?

  • The OTPs of team players who register for the tournament will be locked. These players cannot log in to their character from a different computer.
  • These accounts are prohibited from using CSS during the tournament. Any player using CSS will be disqualified.
  • You can participate in the tournament with only 1 character from each account.
  • You can participate with only 1 character from each PC. You cannot participate from the same PC with a different character other than the character you first joined.
  • Players participating in the tournament cannot join any other party other than their own.
  • The player who is detected cheating during the match will be penalized during the match and the team will have to continue the match with 7 players.
  • During qualifying matches, teams must be ready at the specified time and day.
  • If a player from the team disconnects at the 1st minute during the tournament, the match will be repeated. Apart from this, the match is never repeated and the disconnected player cannot participate in the match even if he enters the game.
  • Cursing and slang words used during the tournament will cause a mute penalty during the tournament.
  • The side that reaches 30 kills wins the match. (Mage vs Mage reaches 50 kills wins)
  • The tournament monument has a power of 1000 HP. It can only be destroyed with an R hit, and each hit deals 20 damage.
  • When the monument is destroyed;
  • The team behind wins 1 point,
  • The leading team does not score any points
  • In case of a draw, the team that destroyed it wins 1 point.
  • Note: Monument Spawn Time: 120 Seconds.
  • The Party created must be in the same clan.
  • The invisibility ball cannot be used.
  • Resurrection scroll cannot be used.
  • Escape and Gate and their skills cannot be used.
  • 80 Ice Cube Skill will be disabled during the tournament!
  • KO4FUN Management reserves the right to make changes to the Tournament Rules.




‼️How can I join the tournament?

We are pleased to present the new tournament system we have prepared for you. You can participate in the tournaments we organize by using the "Knightship" area on our website.

How does it work? First of all, you need to login to our website. Only Clan chiefs and Assistants can create a Party. Otherwise, you cannot access this area.


Click on the "Knightship" button on the top right.



You can see the list of active tournaments in the "Tournaments" section in the left menu.



Do not forget to read all the details and rules before participating in the tournament.



 You will also see your Clan name and logo on the menu. On this page, you can find statistical data and many things about your Clan. (You will soon be able to query the clan bank transactions and all other Clan logs from this page. This feature will only be available for clan chiefs and assistants.)



How to Register?
Only clan leaders can register for Party and Clan tournaments. 1vs1 and random 8vs8 modes will be added soon, then you will be able to participate in tournaments individually.



After selecting the Clan information, the system will show you a list of players eligible for the tournament in the Clan you selected. For example, if you want to register for the Mage tournament, the system will automatically provide you with a list of only mages and priests.



After creating your party, you can complete your application by clicking the "Create Party" button.

