Hello Dear Ko4fun Players
For Krowaz Weapon Guide;
There is a specific formula for each Krowaz weapon. You can see these formulas and the required number of materials in the table below.
Warrior Weapons
Sweet Kiss : When you attack, there is a 1% chance of increasing the opponent's size and reducing their defense for 10 seconds.
Weak Dwarf (Bombastic Giant) : When you attack, there is a 1% chance of increasing the opponent's size and reducing their defense for 10 seconds.
Undefeatable (Dimension Failure) : When you attack, there is a 1% chance of preventing the opponent from being summoned by a mage for 5 seconds.
Chaos (Great Confusion) : When you attack, there is a 1% chance that the opponent cannot use their abilities and potions for 3 seconds.
Rogue Weapons
Weak Dwarf (Bombastic Giant) : When you attack, there is a 1% chance of increasing the opponent's size and reducing their defense for 10 seconds.
Lousy Pickpocket : When you attack, there is a 1% chance of knocking down the opponent's weapons for 2 seconds.
Undefeatable : When you attack, there is a 1% chance of preventing the opponent from being summoned by a mage for 5 seconds.
Severe Diet (Restricted Diet) : When you attack, 1% prevents the opponent from using potions for 2 seconds.
Warm Downpour (Fire Rain) Windforce : When you attack, there is a 5% chance of dealing 250 damage to everyone in the area you attacked.
Magician Weapons
Aztec Gold : When you attack, there is a 1% chance of reflecting the healing effects of the opponent as damage.
Undefeatable : When you attack, there is a 1% chance of preventing the opponent from being summoned by a mage for 5 seconds.
Priest Weapons
Weak Dwarf (Bombastic Giant) : When you attack, there is a 1% chance of increasing the opponent's size and reducing their defense for 10 seconds.
Mean : When you attack, there is a 5% chance of restricting the opponent's vision for 2 seconds.
Undefeatable : When you attack, there is a 1% chance of preventing the opponent from being summoned by a mage for 5 seconds.
Gab's Adamant : When you are attacked, it is activated with a 1% chance, preventing you from taking physical damage for 3 seconds.
Gab's Blessing : When you are attacked, it is activated with a 1% chance, preventing you from taking magical damage for 3 seconds.
Kurian Weapons
Sweet Kiss : When you attack, there is a 1% chance of increasing the opponent's size and reducing their defense for 10 seconds.
Weak Dwarf : When you attack, there is a 1% chance of increasing the opponent's size and reducing their defense for 10 seconds.
Undefeatable (Dimension Failure) : When you attack, there is a 1% chance of preventing the opponent from being summoned by a mage for 5 seconds.
Chaos (Great Confusion) : When you attack, there is a 1% chance that the opponent cannot use their abilities and potions for 2 seconds.
Where do the materials come from?
Nigtmare Crystal - Obtained from Bifrost monsters.
- KROWAZ Draki's fossil material; You can obtain CZ Bowl Garden mobs, Dispatches and CZ Dark Stone - Titan creatures in various amounts.
- KROWAZ Dredium fossil material; You can get unique jewelry and old jewelry by breaking them.
Warrior Wrinom, Baal and Nebiros stones - Hell Fire, Havoc , Enigma, Cruel
Magician Fulitol, Moloch and Faun stones - Hell Fire, Havoc , Enigma, Cruel
Priest Leonar and Gab stones - Hell Fire, Havoc , Enigma, Cruel
Rogue Winforce and Raum stones - Hell Fire, Havoc , Enigma, Cruel
Kurian Nepilim's stones - Hell Fire, Havoc , Enigma, Cruel
- Krowaz weapons are 30% flat on Shozin NPC
There is a 50% chance of success with Shadows Piece (Blue Trina) .
Follow the steps below
1) Go to Shozin
Follow menu steps