8270687612 / 8705986960
55492 / 0
- Inventory
- Cockatrices Earrings(+1)
- Unique Item
- Earring
- Durability: 1
- Defense Ability : 17
- HP Bonus : 100
- Dexterity Bonus : 11
- Resistance to Flame : 12
- Resistance to Glacier : 12
- Resistance to Lightning : 12
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Rogue Chitin Shell Helmet(+5)
- Reverse upgrade item
- Rogue Armor
- Durability: 17937
- Weight : 7.00
- Max Durability : 17937
- Defense Ability : 90
- Dexterity Bonus : 15
- Required Health : 90
- Required Dexterity : 182
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Silver Earring(+2)
- Unique Item
- Earring
- Durability: 1
- Defense Ability : 15
- Dexterity Bonus : 16
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Amulet of Dexterity(+1)
- Unique Item
- Necklace
- Durability: 1
- Defense Ability : 2
- Dexterity Bonus : 20
- MP Bonus : 75
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Mythril Pauldron(+7)
- Upgrade Item
- Rogue Armor
- Durability: 16937
- Weight : 12.00
- Max Durability : 16937
- Defense Ability : 135
- Dexterity Bonus : 12
- Required Health : 94
- Required Dexterity : 188
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Elf Belt
- Unique Item
- Belt
- Durability: 1
- Increase Attack Power by : 20
- Increase Dodging Power by : 20
- Defense Ability : 30
- Dexterity Bonus : 10
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Chitin Bow(+5)
- Reverse unique item
- Bow
- Durability: 13000
- Attack Power : 136
- Attack Speed : Slow
- Effective Range : 400
- Weight : 3.00
- Max Durability : 13000
- Flame Damage : 80
- MP Bonus : 310
- Resistance to Poison : 65
- Required Dexterity : 101
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Ring of Life(+1)
- Unique Item
- Ring
- Durability: 1
- Defense Ability : 54
- Health Bonus : 10
- HP Bonus : 75
- Dexterity Bonus : 10
- MP Bonus : 75
- Resistance to Lightning : 22
- Resistance to Curse : 32
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Mythril Pad(+7)
- Upgrade Item
- Rogue Armor
- Durability: 16937
- Weight : 10.00
- Max Durability : 16937
- Defense Ability : 114
- Dexterity Bonus : 12
- Required Health : 92
- Required Dexterity : 184
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Ring of Life(+2)
- Unique Item
- Ring
- Durability: 1
- Defense Ability : 58
- Health Bonus : 14
- HP Bonus : 100
- Dexterity Bonus : 14
- MP Bonus : 100
- Resistance to Lightning : 25
- Resistance to Curse : 35
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Mythril Gauntlet(+7)
- Upgrade Item
- Rogue Armor
- Durability: 16937
- Weight : 4.00
- Max Durability : 16937
- Defense Ability : 60
- Dexterity Bonus : 12
- Required Health : 86
- Required Dexterity : 172
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Mythril Boots(+7)
- Upgrade Item
- Rogue Armor
- Durability: 16937
- Weight : 4.00
- Max Durability : 16937
- Defense Ability : 60
- Dexterity Bonus : 12
- Required Health : 88
- Required Dexterity : 176
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Magic hammer
- Non Upgrade Item
- Unknown Item
- Durability: 30
- Max Durability : 30
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Scroll of Attack
- Non Upgrade Item
- Unknown Item
- Durability: 30
- Max Durability : 30
- Cannot be traded, sold or stored
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Genie Hammer
- Non Upgrade Item
- Unknown Item
- Durability: 30
- Max Durability : 30
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Magic hammer
- Non Upgrade Item
- Unknown Item
- Durability: 30
- Max Durability : 30
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Premium Potion MP
- Non Upgrade Item
- Unknown Item
- Durability: 5000
- Weight : 10.00
- Max Durability : 5000
- * www.KO4FUN.net *

Last seen 2 ay önce
Toplam Düşman Öldürme: 875 |
Toplam Ölme: 1495 |
Toplam Öldürülen Canavar: 599671 |
Toplam oynama süresi: 75 days, 1 hour, 2 minutes |