- Inventory
- Priest Chitin Shell Helmet(+8)
- Upgrade Item
- Priest Armor
- Durability: 17937
- Weight : 7.00
- Max Durability : 17937
- Defense Ability : 99
- Strength Bonus : 15
- Required Strength : 104
- Required Intelligence : 182
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Priest Chitin Shell Pauldron(+8)
- Upgrade Item
- Priest Armor
- Durability: 17937
- Weight : 12.00
- Max Durability : 17937
- Defense Ability : 154
- Strength Bonus : 15
- Required Strength : 108
- Required Intelligence : 190
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Priest Chitin Shell Pads(+8)
- Upgrade Item
- Priest Armor
- Durability: 17937
- Weight : 10.00
- Max Durability : 17937
- Defense Ability : 130
- Strength Bonus : 15
- Required Strength : 106
- Required Intelligence : 186
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Gauntlet of Trial(+7)
- Upgrade Item
- Priest Armor
- Durability: 16937
- Weight : 4.00
- Max Durability : 16937
- Defense Ability : 66
- Strength Bonus : 12
- Required Strength : 98
- Required Intelligence : 172
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Priest Chitin Shell Boots(+8)
- Upgrade Item
- Priest Armor
- Durability: 17937
- Weight : 4.00
- Max Durability : 17937
- Defense Ability : 66
- Strength Bonus : 15
- Required Strength : 102
- Required Intelligence : 178
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Fun Point
- Non Upgrade Item
- Lune Item
- Durability: 1
- Cannot be traded, sold or stored
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Speed-Up Potion
- Non Upgrade Item
- Unknown Item
- Durability: 30
- Max Durability : 30
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Stone of life
- Non Upgrade Item
- Unknown Item
- Durability: 1
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Cospre
- Wings of Hellfire Dragon
- Unknown Item
- Durability: 7200
- Max Durability : 7200
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Cospre
- Valkyrie Armor - Helmet
- Unknown Item
- Durability: 7200
- Max Durability : 7200
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Cospre
- Valkyrie Armor Top
- Unknown Item
- Durability: 7200
- Max Durability : 7200
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
- Inventory
- Magic Bag
- Unknown Item
- Durability: 3001
- Max Durability : 3001
- * www.KO4FUN.net *
Toplam Düşman Öldürme: 99 |
Toplam Ölme: 985 |
Toplam Öldürülen Canavar: 46007 |
Toplam oynama süresi: 21 days, 14 hours, 51 minutes |